Early retirement
Your pension commences at your AOW age, whick is currently 67 years and 3 months. Do you want to retire earlier? That is a choice you can make just before your actual retirement. It is not possible to retire after you reached your AOW age. You have the choice to have your pension commence earlier. This does mean that your old-age pension will be lower. Retiring early therefore does have financial consequences. The pension accrual stops earlier and the old age pension is reduced because we have to pay you longer. Please note: this is a one-off choice, which you only have to make at the time of your retirement! Once you have decided to take this option, your choice can no longer be undone. For more information, see our Met Pensioen leaflet (only available in Dutch). In our pension planner (only available in Dutch) you can see exactly what the consequences of early retirement are. |
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