Dutch State Pension age: up by 3 months in 2028
Recently Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published its annual life expectancy forecast. The result is that the AOW age will rise by three months in 2028, to 67 years and 3 months. For everyone born before 1 October 1961, the AOW age is therefore fixed; if you were born later, the AOW age may rise even further.
Retirement age at Unilever will also change
At Unilever, the retirement age for active members is the same as the AOW age. For every active member born on 1 January 1961 and after, this will therefore also be 67 years and 3 months. Retiring three months later also means a slightly higher pension as the pension accrual lasts three months longer. For former members* and those already retired, the Unilever pension does not change.
Below is an overview of all current fixed AOW ages.
It is possible to have the Unilever pension start earlier. You can see what this means for the level of your pension in our pension planner. Log into Mijn Pensioen and click on the image at the top left.
You were born between: |
Your Dutch State Pension (AOW) Age is: |
01-09-1955 and 31-05-1956 |
66 years and 7 months |
01-06-1956 and 28-02-1957 |
66 years and 10 months |
01-03-1957 and 31-12-1960 |
67 years |
01-01-1961 and 30-09-1961 |
67 years and 3 months |
01-10-1961 and… |
67 years and 3 months + … (depending on age expectancy) |
Future developments of AOW age
The AOW age is set five years in advance. This has now been done for the calendar year 2028. Each year, the need for a further rise is reviewed. Such a rise is by three months at a time. The rise depends on life expectancy and is calculated using a formula laid down by law. In this formula, an increase in life expectancy of one year means a rise in the AOW age of eight months. A three-month rise in the AOW age therefore becomes necessary if life expectancy increases by 4.5 months.
* For former members, the retirement age at Unilever is 68. However, it is possible to retire earlier.